Vardhan Industries takes immense pride in adopting eco-friendly manufacturing processes. We firmly believe in the conservation of available resources and using them in an efficient fashion. We have invested in renewable energy sources at our factories and offices.
Green Initiatives at Mumbai Factory/Registered Office
Coverage in The Times of India (TOI) – 17 February 2016
Time of India is the largest selling English-language daily in the world according to Audit Bureau of Circulations (India).
Article web link: Click here
Actual Photographs of Solar Panels
Green Initiatives at Tirupur Factory
We have taken the following green initiatives at our Tirupur factory in Tamil Nadu:
- Implemented groundwater recharging to preserve groundwater resources
- Installed waterless urinals to save water
- Fitted LED lights to save energy
- Planted over 100 trees to improve air quality and reduce carbon dioxide/other greenhouse gases
- Used 81,000 square feet of factory land area for plantation of trees (the total area is 99,000 square feet)
- Used over 80,000 waste plastic bottles as construction material for the factory